Garry's Mod Wiki

Magician Heavy is a RED Heavy who performs feats using super natural means.He was created by YouTube user OLDSACKS with his theme song called I S*#t on my Organ



Heavy's magic trick

Magician Heavy's first appearance

Magician Heavy



HEAVY'S MAGIC TRICK SOUNDTRACK - "I shit on my organ" by Old Sacks

Magician Heavy's theme

Magician Heavy as the ability o Black-FAT-Magic,when he put the right items in the Hat,and say "WHAT HAPPENS NOW?" a big disaster happens and he survives of the disaster (Especially giant Painis).

When Magician Heavy happens, immediately, someone shits at his organ (I shit on My Organ), and nobody try kill Magician Heavy,but the relats say waht "When Someone try kill Magician Heavy,he point the finger and say:Soltrick,and immediately a Rollie-Pie soldier spawn in the heavy finger,and come to you head,the result is a terrible nightmare with the angry heavy"
